
Martineau Gardens – an outdoor learning environment

Martineau Gardens is a two and a half acre Community Garden in the heart of Birmingham. In the 1960s, when the Gardens became an environmental study centre, diverse habitats and features were creatively designed with children in mind. Since then, thousands of Birmingham school children have visited the Gardens to learn about the natural world and wildlife.

Bring your class or educational group here for an opportunity to learn about the natural environment in the heart of the city.  We offer a full day visit, with the class divided into two groups. One group will follow a National Curriculum-focused teaching session (see choice below), led by our qualified teacher Juliette Green. The second group will have a sensory tour of the Gardens to learn about growing food and healthy eating.

And no visit is complete without the chance to play (and eat packed lunches) around the shipwreck play area!

Our sessions

We offer the following sessions for EYFS and Primary school groups:

  • Be a Plant Professor: parts of plants and their functions; conditions for growth; identifying and naming plants
  • Minibeast Safari: searching for invertebrates in the woodland; pond dipping; life cycles
  • Habitat Explorers: finding out about the different habitats at Martineau Gardens; food chains; create a habitat
  • Adaptation, Evolution and Classification (Darwin, Linnaeus and the Tree of Life): classification, adaptation and evolution of plants and animals
  • Pirate Adventure: go on a treasure hunt, using maps and compasses; make your own boats; pirate art

If you would like to arrange a visit covering a different theme, for example outdoor maths, art, literacy, please contact us to discuss this:

We can also provide sessions for Secondary school groups. Please contact us to discuss your curriculum needs:

Martineau Gardens is suitable for a maximum of 32 children at any one time. If you would like to bring more than one class, then we suggest that the visits are on different days. Please ring us to help you plan your needs on 0121 440 7430.

Booking a School Visit

The teaching session will be tailored to meet the curriculum requirements for your year group, with the fees detailed in the booking forms below. (16 – 32 children.)

Early Years Foundation Stage:  EYFS Info sheet   EYFS booking form

Primary Schools: Primary Info sheet  Primary booking form

Secondary Schools: Secondary booking form

Garden Tour: 2 hours in the gardens for up to 15 children who will receive a tour lasting in the region of 1 – 1.5 hours, delivered by a member of staff. Garden tours booking form

Self-led activities (without our staff): Book your educational visit to Martineau Gardens, but lead all outdoor learning activities yourself. The cost is £1 per head.

Please note: All visits must be booked in advance, please read through our terms and conditions which you can download here:

Risk assessment: Please download our Risk Assessment for School Visits and use this to inform your own risk assessment.

Young people from Secondary Schools in Birmingham also have the opportunity to spend two weeks on work experience learning about horticulture, alongside a diverse range of volunteers.

Useful links:

Group visits for Educational Youth Groups

For children’s parties, please enquire.

We are delighted that Martineau Gardens has been awarded a Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Badge in recognition of our good-quality education provision
