Our mission is to inspire people about the natural environment. We also provide volunteering opportunities in the garden and are a venue for educational activities. To read more about our charitable objectives, click here.
Martineau Gardens is the registered charity that manages the gardens and wildlife area. We are a therapeutic Community Garden and a Visitor Attraction.
We have many regular volunteers who contribute so much to the gardens. We also have corporate volunteers from local businesses.
We have a Friends Scheme to support us financially and ‘fund the unfundable’ (the day to day or unexpected costs) that do not fall within any particular funding stream. Please do consider becoming a Friend of Martineau Gardens.
Our Members elect Trustees at the Annual General Meeting to take responsibility for good governance, financial oversight and ensuring compliance with our legal responsibilities. You can read our latest Annual Report presented at our last AGM here.
Activities at Martineau Gardens include:
- Volunteering
- Therapeutic Horticulture Programme
- Events and Courses
- Produce for Sale
- Education and schools
- Corporate Volunteers
- Tours
- Talks
- Venue Hire
Alys Fowler
To find out more about our patrons, click here.
Our Trustees
Peter Arnold, Tim Bruton (Chair), Liz Hensel, Felly Nkweto Simmonds, Cathy Powell, Peter Townley MBE, Karen Tatlow, and Tom Walkling.
Find out more about our Trustees here.
Our Staff
Excepting our CEO, all our staff are part-time specialists.
CEO: Jenni Fryer
Deputy: Jane Bradshaw
Therapeutic Horticulture:
Lead: Matt Young
Women’s Lead: Jacky Hotchin
Environmental Education lead and fundraising: Juliette Green
Administrator: Felicity McCabe
Marketing and Communications: Sally Watson-Jones
Annual independent examination of accounts: BVSC
Bee Keeper: Sam Walker
Wildlife recorders: Brian Perry and Andrew Curran