Our Charitable Objectives & Values

Strategic Implementation of Charitable Objectives :

Martineau Gardens aims to provide for the people of Birmingham and beyond:


  1. A safe and welcoming space, which enables adults, young people and children to connect with nature and improve their wellbeing.


  1. Long-term social and therapeutic horticulture and related programmes, which facilitate improved wellbeing and the development of transferable skills of vulnerable people. Including but not exclusively: people with mental health issues; brain injury; Autistic Spectrum Disorder; Special Educational Needs or living with dementia.


  1. High quality, affordable, Environmental Education for children of school age and engaging family activities using the natural landscape and features of the Gardens to encourage outdoor play.


  1. Gardens and woodland managed along organic principles with biodiversity and sustainability at its core and which seeks to enhance visitor understanding and appreciation of food growing, caring for the environment and the positive impact a green space has for a local community.



Martineau Gardens’ values:

What drives our work?

· A welcoming approach: social inclusion and accessibility

· Environmental sustainability

· Integrity