What to expect when you visit
A breath of fresh air and we hope an experience of calm and tranquillity. Our gardens have been well looked after over these last few months, by the Therapeutic Gardening team – there are new things to see and the gardens are flourishing. Your visit will be a little different to the times you have spent with us before, please read through the following so you are prepared.

When are you open?
In the Summer of 2021 we are open Mondays to Saturdays 10am until 4pm (excluding Bank Holidays). We extended our opening hours to include Saturdays, from 31 July 2021.
Do I need to book to visit?
Pre-booking is not required, though it may be introduced if the Gardens become busy. We will close the gates if visitor numbers reach our covid-19 safe capacity.
We ask that visitors respect the current government restrictions.
** Please check government guidance for any changes made since this page has been published**
Is everything open?
As we have now passed 19 July 21, the date on which restrictions were lifted, we ask all our visitors to be respectful of other people’s space here at Martineau Gardens and those observing social distancing. Unless you have hired the Pavilion, our public buildings (The Mollie Martineau Building, Keder House, glasshouses and Pavilion) will continue to be closed to the public (our toilets are open). Be reassured that Martineau Gardens will comply with any covid-secure measures that remain in place.
There is a one-way route around the gardens: in via the welcome shelter and leave via the delivery track.
The toilets, woodland, parts of the the play area and other areas of the Gardens are open. The toilets will be operating a one-in one-out system – and they will be cleaned regularly throughout the day. We have installed no-touch soap dispensers and new taps which can be pressed with an elbow.
For full details on areas that are open and closed, please read our advisory signage on display at the gardens, maintaining a two metre distance from others. When you arrive, please use the no-touch hand sanitizer in the Welcome Shelter.
To hire the Pavilion, please click here
Will the play area be open?
The play area is open and has been fully renovated, will be open but has changed. You can find out more about renovation of the play area here.
Please maintain social distancing in the play area (there maybe more space on the Tai Chi lawn and in the woodland) – there are handwashing facilities nearby in the toilets.
Our Stick Man self-guided trail is available, pick up a pack on arrival (£2.50 donation welcomed.)
Can I get something to eat or drink?
We’ll serve hot and cold drinks to people seated in visitors seated in the Courtyard, under the Canopy or on the Shipwreck Play Area. Please let our Visitor Welcomer Volunteer know what you would like. Observing social distancing, they will place your tray of drinks nearby, for you to collect and take to your table. Donations are welcomed. You’re welcome to bring your own picnics, please follow government guidelines on social distancing and take all your litter home with you.
Will you have picnic tables?
We have a number of tables and chairs in the Courtyard Garden, the Pavilion canopy and the Shipwreck Play Area.
Can I pay by cash or card?
We do have seasonal plants, produce and homemade jams for sale. Please pay for purchases by card. Donations can also be made by card (thank you) – cash donations in our sealed donations box will be gratefully received.
Please observe three people maximum in the outdoor sales area.
What about wheelchair accessibility and facilities?
We have two wheelchairs. Please advise us when you wish to leave so we can assist you in your departure, since the exit route along the track is not suitable for wheelchair users (we will guide you down a paved exit route).
How are you cleaning?
We have put in place enhanced cleaning regimes in line with government guidance.
How can I become a Friend?
We need your support more than ever. Your subscription to the Friends Scheme supports us financially and ‘funds the unfundable’ (the day to day or unexpected costs) that do not fall within any particular funding stream. Please do consider becoming a Friend to support Martineau Gardens.
Join online here You’ll need to fill out the e-form on our website and set up a direct debit/standing order with your bank.
Alternatively, download and complete a copy of this form and bring it with you when you visit. We can take your card payment on arrival.