We are delighted to hear that the Department for Education has given the green light for Educational Visits to resume from 12 April 2021.
Juliette Green, Martineau Gardens Environmental Education Officer said:
“Here at Martineau Gardens, we can’t wait to welcome back school children for Educational Visits. When pupils visit, much of their day is spent outside. Children need this outdoor provision more than ever right now – to be able to observe the natural world helps to improve wellbeing and concentration and after having been restricted for so long, we’re delighted to be able to resume our outdoor learning programme.”
She added, “The topics they study are varied, but a typical visit might include exploring the different habitats at Martineau Gardens to learn about food chains, they examine parts of plants and learn about conditions plants need to grow. Or they might take part in a minibeast safari, do some pond dipping and or even go on a ‘pirate adventure’ where they learn how to use maps and compasses and make a boat. I can’t wait to get started again.”
School visits at Martineau Gardens resume from Tuesday 4 May 2021.
For more information, view our Schools area here and to make a booking or an enquiry email juliette@martineau-gardens.org.uk