Veronica Lawrie (Ecologist for Atkins) carried out an early spring wildflower survey, identifying a further 66 species to add to our records.

Veronica Lawrie, Ecologist, Atkins, surveying flowers
On March 18 2011, in the bright sunshine of early spring, Veronica toured the Gardens recording her findings:
“As winter passes to spring there are a few species that start flowering much earlier than most. These species include snow drop and spring crocus which are just finishing flowering at Martineau Gardens. The first yellow dial-like flowers of lesser celandine were found open, and purple toothwort could be seen emerging through the soil of a new location within the garden. Patches of lungwort and the less common red lungwort were recorded, as well as a variety of daffodil species. In the woodland the flowers of creeping comfrey and early dog violet were found. Primrose flowers were just opening. Several species of bee were seen foraging around these early flowers. Spring is underway at the gardens.”
Martineau Gardens now have 246 confirmed species of flowering plants within the Gardens. A full Botanical Species List which draws all the previous plant surveys into one place will be available on the website soon. A fantastic resource for us all. Our thanks to Veronica and Atkins for this support!