Autumn Celebration – thank you September 19, 2023

We had a brilliant Autumn Celebration earlier this month – were you there? Our event was one of over a hundred events awarded National Lottery funding as part of the West Midlands Mayor’s Community Weekend. Thanks to an incredible band of volunteers and supporters coming together to donate their time, skills, passion for the gardens, cake (and so much more!) we had a huge turnout and raised over £2,000 for Martineau Gardens.

Thanks for all your help, whether you were helping out on the day or digging deep and donating your cash, we really appreciate your support.

Here’s a round up of the highlights:

The weather backed the day: after all those wet days in August, we had a miniheatwave with icecreams almost flying off the counter. The cool shade of the woodlands providing a welcome retreat for our family wildife activities. Great to see so many visitors joining in with the Morris Dancing workshop and enjoying live music from our incredible bands (thank you to Black Adder Morris, Rigmareel and newcomers SAM band who performed for free). , and and trying their skills at the fete games. Delicious homemade cakes were eaten and barbeque food served up from the outdoor kitchen, there were fete games to play, plants and produce to buy. On the lawns, people were picnicing and visiting community stalls to find out out about all the great things going on our doorstep.

The Mayor’s Community Weekend is made possible thanks to National Lottery players, and a partnership with Andy Street, the Mayor of the West Midlands, and the West Midlands Combined Authority. Sponsored by Lloyds Bank and Natwest. It aims to celebrate the strength and diversity of West Midlands’ communities by bringing people together.  

Martineau Gardens closed – 19 – 22 September September 13, 2023

Martineau Gardens is closed to the public from Tuesday 19 until Friday 22 September inclusive for some resurfacing work.


Rare moth at the Gardens September 11, 2023

We’ve had a beautiful wildlife sighting recently, a large and rare moth, the stunning Blue Underwing Moth (otherwise known as the Clifden Nonpareil). A first for Martineau Gardens!


Garden Team on Tour! August 18, 2023

All aboard

You may have noticed over the last couple of weeks we have been a little quiet – in fact we were closed for two weeks whilst we had building works going on.


Mayors Community Weekend – Autumn Celebration August 18, 2023

Save the date, our next event is just around the corner! The Autumn Celebration is on Saturday 9 September, the fun starts at 11am.


Green flag flies again August 18, 2023

A proud moment for the garden crew – flying the flag beside the food growing areas at Martineau Gardens

We’ve done it again! 14 years in a row, Martineau Gardens has been awarded a Community Green Flag Award.


Closed 31 July – 14 August July 28, 2023

Just a reminder, Martineau Gardens is closed 31 July to 13 Aug for construction work – we re-open 14 August – we look forward to seeing you then.


July festivities at the gardens July 24, 2023

Despite the challenges the weather threw at us, we’ve had a brilliant month of events this July – did you join us?


Gardening with young people July 14, 2023

Students at QAC planting sugar snap peas they have grown from seed

Meet Sally Watson-Jones, our Therapeutic Horticulture Assistant. Sally works with two groups of young people that visit Martineau Gardens from special educational needs (SEN) colleges, Baskerville School and Queen Alexandra College.


Sat 15 July – Charity Cricket Car Park July 10, 2023

Planning a visit to Martineau Gardens? We look forward to seeing you, but if you’re visiting the gardens on Saturday 15 July, please note that due to a Vitality Blast Cricket at nearby Edgbaston Stadium, we have no public parking available and there are traffic restrictions in place.
