Celebrating Volunteers – thank you!
World Mental Health Day is Thursday 10 October 2019. On this day Martineau Gardens volunteers and staff are undertaking a mass planting of the new garden area behind the Pavilion. We’re providing lunch for our volunteers as a thank you to celebrate the efforts of all our volunteers who work hard all year round to keep these Gardens a beautiful and tranquil place to visit.
Crocus, snowdrops, aconites and other bulbs, as well as scilla and young trees and perennials, will be planted into the newly created beds. There will be spring bedding plants going into the troughs. Plants from the courtyard garden will be lifted and divided bringing in some mature foliage and autumn colour.
Gill Milburn, Director for Martineau Gardens said: “Bulbs are a symbol of new growth. Planting bulbs during the dormant months gives us something to look forward to, for when the warmer weather returns. For some volunteers on the therapeutic horticulture project, gardening together, week in, week out can be a lifeline that gives purpose to one’s life.”
Martineau Gardens provides a safe and welcoming space for the people of Birmingham and beyond to connect with nature and improve their wellbeing.
World Mental Health Day aims to promote mental health and create awareness about the issues associated with mental illness – here at Martineau Gardens, we work all year to support adults and young people living with mental health issues.
Our thanks to
The on-going development of this new garden space and the continuation of the Therapeutic Horticulture Project would not have been possible without funding from Charitable Trusts and the long-term support of our corporate partners:
Jo Malone London Nicholls Brimble Bhol Solicitors Co-op
We are also extremely grateful to local and national businesses who have generously supplied us with expertise and materials, including:
Does it ever get too much for you? The theme for this year’s Mental Health Day is suicide prevention. If you’re affected by the issues connected with the theme for World Mental Health Day, there is 24 hour help available, from the Samaritans:
Telephone: 116 123 (24 hours a day, free to call)
Email: jo@samaritans.org
Website: https://www.samaritans.org
The Samaritans provide confidential, non-judgemental emotional support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those that could lead to suicide. You can phone, email, write a letter or in most cases talk to someone face to face.