We’ve won an award! July 25, 2016


We’ve won a Green Flag Community Award, this is not the first  time, nor the second time, but actually our seventh time. Green Flags are awarded by the Keep Britain Tidy environmental charity in recognition of lots of important things that go on within parks and green spaces. Many of these tasks are going on behind the scenes, from managing our biodiversity, keeping wildlife records, welcoming visitors to washing up the cups and keeping our paths accessible. As always, this award is actually a tribute to all the volunteers to give up their spare time to help Martineau Gardens thrive. We couldn’t do it with out you!

Here’s a picture of staff and volunteers celebrating the good news by the new cut flower border – brimming over with cornflowers, clarkia and poppies. Also on display, seasonal produce including rhubarb and orange jam , courgettes, beans, onions and garlic.