Returning to Martineau Gardens in January after the winter break finds the volunteers with plenty of work to do, in spite of all the recent rain. The lawns, vegetables beds and borders are still waterlogged this week. So today the Garden Volunteers are making the most of the sunshine and giving the green glasshouse a spring clean. The shelving is being scrubbed and washed down to reduce the threat of pests and diseases overwintering. Come summer, this glasshouse will be full sweet black Hamburg grapes and the benches laden with plants propagated by our Garden Volunteers.Across the path, the hot house next to the orchard is also receiving some TLC. Thanks to a donation from The William Dudley Trust, damaged glass panes are being replaced by Jericho Construction. This green house, which dates back to the origins of Martineau Gardens, is where the more tender plants are cultivated. There are also Camellia sinensis (tea plant), orchids, a bird of paradise plant and a wide variety of cacti and succulents. In spring, cascades of jasmine fill the air with a sweet scent.